Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Limbo Lady


I wasn't sure about letting the cat out of the bag so soon, but it looks like another military move will happen this year!

Mike has been given PCS orders to attend a course at a base in Lawton, OK beginning in the middle of September.  The course should last about four months.  Yeee- haw!!!

Now, before you either 1) get excited because we are going to be closer to our family and friends or 2) pity us because (let's face it) its Oklahoma, there is a chance this could all change again by then.  Mike will be applying for flight school by May and we will know by early July if he gets it or not. If he gets flight school, we'll be headed to Florida I believe and then possibly hopping around the US for the next two years.

Either way, change is coming!

Once his course is over, it could be highly likely that we are given orders to stay in the same location for the following three years or be moving to a different location soon after.

Lawton is just over three hours away from the DFW metroplex and still within a day's drive to Colorado Springs.

We'll keep you posted!

Until next time,

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